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IDUG Db2 Tech Conference 2019
2. June 2019 - 6. June 2019
IDUG NA 2019 – Sheraton Hotel – Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
„ZOWE – The zGUI (r)evolution – First hands-on experience and best practices“

For a couple of years, the importance of a GUI for z/OS has seemed to grow significantly. This may be one of the most important factors if the z platform is to remain strategic over the next decade and beyond – probably less because of the potential benefit of a specific GUI implementation, but simply because recent generations of DBAs, SYSPROGS, and Programmers aren’t that familiar with the beloved green screen of those who’we been working with ISPF for decades.
DS, RDz, DSM, z/OSMF -to name just IBMs recent ones- always had a common downside, which I believe customers didn’t like at all: Users were unable to access all mainframe products from, and through, a common interface.
Bottom line:
We need a GUI that not only comes with a monitoring dashboard, job submission capabilities, includes a JES explorer, data set explorer and editor, scripting for automation and interaction with all major product, like CICS, Db2,
BUT it should be used by ALL vendors!
Of course, this GUI should also seamlessly integrate into all those robust security and resource management components we’re already familiar with. It needs to be the preferred interface for administrative tasks, development, test, and operation, no matter if using old applications, or brand-new ones.
Am I asking for too much?
ZOWE – THE z ecosystem to securely manage, control, script and develop – seems to be the way to go.
It comes with a RESTful API, an extensible command line interface and an HTML 5 web-based UI framework designed to fuse everything we already have with anything we want to do today and tomorrow. It is exactly what many of us have been asking for years. We see a clear commitment from some of the most important companies in the mainframe world and we also see the technical components required to do our daily work and to open up new opportunities for tomorrows modern apps.
- All well-integrated into RLF, SAF and USS and
- interfacing with MVS, Db2 , CICS, and JES
- as well as products from a variety of other vendors
- and by the way, it’s EPL-2.0 (Eclipse Public License)
Late 2018 our company strategically decided to build UIs based on the ZOWE ecosystem:
CDDC – Db2 Continuous Delivery Deployment Check
Learn how you can quickly define entire workflows and interact and control them using a Db2 z/OS cloning example along with workload capture and replay in a simulation environment – fully automated quality assurance as part of continuous delivery in an agile world.
Speaker biography
Roy Boxwell has more than 33 years of experience in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS environments – 30 of those in Db2. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning. Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions. He is also an active participant, speaker and contributor on the IDUG Db2 Listserv and sends out a monthly Db2 z/OS Newsletter.