Prior newsletter issues:
Newsletter 2025
Newsletter 2024
- 2024-12: Security & Audit Check
- 2024-11: DORA
- 2024-10: Soundex and other cool features part eight(!) for Db2 z/OS 12 and 13
- 2024-09: CREATOR conumdrum
- 2024-08: BSDS What is actually in it?
- 2024-07: One size fits all?
- 2024-06: Time for a change?
- 2024-05: pre or co processor?
- 2024-04: SCA you like?
- 2024-03: I am fine, up to a certain DEGREE
- 2024-02: BUFFER POOL You too!
- 2024-01: Happy New SQLCODE!
Newsletter 2023
- 2023-12: Bufferpool Check
- 2023-11: Are we really living in an agile world?
- 2023-10: IDUG EMEA – Roy’s report
- 2023-09: Toronto visit
- 2023-08: Taking a dive into the bufferPOOL
- 2023-07: Directory Details
- 2023-06: IDUG 2023 North America – Roy review
- 2023-05: ZPARMs never stop changing part II
- 2023-04: AI Performance
- 2023-03: AI in the real world
- 2023-02: It’s AI Jim, but not as we know it!
- 2023-01: IDUG EMEA 2022 review
Newsletter 2022
- 2022-12: Are you ready for Db2 13?
- 2022-11: First timer report
- 2022-10: PROFILE Table usage Part Two
- 2022-09: PROFILE Table usage Part One
- 2022-08: IDUG Boston Review
- 2022-07: IBM problem data requests…
- 2022-06: Apollo 13 has landed!
- 2022-05: Let’s get hashed
- 2022-04: A brief history of the Universal Tablespace (UTS) Part Two
- 2022-03: A brief history of the Universal tablespace (UTS)
- 2022-02: ZPARMs never stop changing!
- 2022-01: Fazed by phases?
Newsletter 2021
- 2021-12: What’s in a Log anyway?
- 2021-11: When is an NPI not an NPI?
- 2021-10: Creating Clones
- 2021-09: Fast Index Traversal – Update
- 2021-08: ICI – Db2 12 Update
- 2021-07: IDUG NA 2021 Virtual – A Roy round-up
- 2021-06: How large is my system?
- 2021-05: Soundex and other cool features part 7 for Db2 12
- 2021-04: PBG Partition Pain
- 2021-03: Set Phasers to Stun!
- 2021-02: Hidden features of EXPLAIN
- 2021-01: Migration Mayhem – Update
Newsletter 2020
- 2020-12: Migration Mayhem – Special Happy Holiday Present Edition
- 2020-11: Recover Résumé
- 2020-10: Mapping Table Mystery
- 2020-09: Discovering hidden recovery problems in the SYSLGRNX (UPDATED)
- 2020-08: SYSLGRNX through the looking glass
- 2020-07: IDUG 2020 What I have learnt
- 2020-06: Let’s get Virtual with each other
- 2020-05: Things I Never Knew
- 2020-04: Four Flavors of Db2 Audit
- 2020-03: Db2 REORG: DRAIN delays are Despicable
- 2020-02: UPDATEs for nothing and CPU ain’t free!
- 2020-01: How RUNSTATS causes an error SQLCODE
Newsletter 2019
- 2019-12: Fun with Db2 12 PBR RPN
- 2019-11: Db2 Existence checks: SELECT for DUMMIES
- 2019-10: Db2 DECFLOAT examples: Fun with Numbers
- 2019-09: A DBA has got to know his limitations
- 2019-08: FTB (Fast Traversal Block): Just another TLA?
- 2019-06: A little quote from Terry Purcell: It just takes one
- 2019-05: Machine Learning for Db2 z/OS: Artificial Intelligence – Hype or Reality?
- 2019-04: ZOWE for Continuous Delivery – It’s worse than that – he’s tested Jim!
- 2019-03: EXPLAIN data review
- 2019-02: Db2 Global Temporary Confusion – CGTT & DGTT
- 2019-01: Regular Expressions in Db2 SQL – Regulate this!
Newsletter 2018
- 2018-12: Db2 Checklist – SQLCODEs as never seen before
- 2018-11: Db2 Numeric Primary Keys: Space, the final frontier?
- 2018-10: Db2 Bind Lock: The Scary Case of the Missing Package
- 2018-09: Db2 Console output: Message in a bottle
- 2018-08: SOUNDEX and other “cool” features – Part six All new for Db2 12
- 2018-07: SOUNDEX and other “cool” features – Part five All new for Db2 12
- 2018-06: DST Db2 timestamp problems: I really hate Daylight Saving Time
- 2018-05: GDPR Audit guide for Db2 z/OS
- 2018-04: Negative DBIDs: Something new, Something old
- 2018-03: RTS RUNSTATS
- 2018-02: Db2 Catalog Statistics revisited
- 2018-01: Db2 GETPAGES by Insert
Newsletter 2017
- 2017-11: APAR list: An APAR a day keeps the bugs at bay
- 2017-10: Log size: How big is your LOG?
- 2017-09: Db2 12 SQL Access path: Death by APAR
- 2017-08: Anomalies detected in MERGECOPY and MODIFY Recovery
- 2017-07: Let’s make IMAGE COPY great again!
- 2017-06: APPLCOMPAT in Db2 12: a little bit more agile?
- 2017-05: A little bit too agile?
- 2017-04: Small ZPARM – Big effect !
- 2017-03: Db2 11 RBA/LRSN Migration 6 to 10 bytes?
- 2017-02: Why SIZE still matters in Db2 12?
- 2017-01: Db2 12 technical overview: Roy’s first features Review
Newsletter 2016
- 2016-12: Db2 10, Db2 11 FREE BIF/ICI HealthCheck: Incompatibility report list
- 2016-11: Rotten Results from RUNSTATS Require
- 2016-10: Discovering hidden recovery problems in the SYSLGRNX
- 2016-09: Solving SEQUENCE or space problems in Db2
- 2016-08: Is it Safe? How to recover accidently dropped tables
- 2016-07: Migration Planning : Stuck in a BIND
- 2016-06: Can you guess how interesting the DSN_PREDICAT_TABLE really is?
- 2016-05: What’s in an Acronym? ICI
- 2016-04: Db2 SYSCOPY – Do you know what is in it? Redux
- 2016-03: Real Time Statistics (RTS) Revisited – Information missing (part 2)
- 2016-02: Real Time Statistics (RTS) Revisited – Information missing (part 1)
- 2016-01: Simply Synonyms in Db2 z/OS
Newsletter 2015
- 2015-12: FREE BIF HealthCheck for Db2 10 or Db2 11 (Built-in function)
- 2015-11: Db2 Quick Security Audit – part 2
- 2015-10: DB2 Quick Security Audit – part 1
- 2015-09: A real CLUSTER Buster
- 2015-08: Overloaded Logs
- 2015-07: Bad Data Day
- 2015-06: SOUNDEX and other “cool” features – Part 4 for Db2 10 & Db2 11
- 2015-05: Top 10 Things to Ignore for Db2 z/OS
- 2015-04: SQL Codes of interest
- 2015-03: Object Changes: Quiet Times for maintenance
- 2015-02: Db2 zOS Audit – Boring Boring Boring
- 2015-01: BIFCIDS – Where’s the BIF?
Newsletter 2014
- 2014-10: QUERYNO – Query what?
- 2014-09: Detecting invisible SQL since Db2 10
- 2014-08: A Million ways to kill your DSC
- 2014-07: APREUSE(WARN) – like getting married?
- 2014-06: Metrics – Ripe for the Plucking
- 2014-05: Why SIZE matters for Db2
- 2014-04: Are you going to PIECEs?
- 2014-03: Complementing IBMs ACCESS PLAN Stability 3, DSC Protection
- 2014-02: Complementing IBMs ACCESS PLAN Stability 2, for Static SQL
- 2014-01: Complementing IBMs ACCESS PLAN Stability 1, for Dynamic SQL
Newsletter 2013
- 2013-11: FREE Db2 HealthCheck
- 2013-10: Db2 11 Expanded RBA/LRSN
- 2013-09: Roy’s first Db2 11 review
- 2013-08: Inline LOBs
- 2013-07: Death by Index Probe
- 2013-06: Do you have a space problem in Db2?
- 2013-05: Access Path Changes During a Db2 10 Skip-Level Migration
- 2013-04: DSC Hit Ratio – Overrated metric???
- 2013-03: Incredible out of the box data – DSC, “SSC”, RTS
- 2013-02: SYSCOPY – Do you know what is it in it?
- 2013-01: Finding the right SSD (solid state disk) candidates
Newsletter 2012
- 2012-12: APAR list reprint “Back by popular demand”
- 2012-11: EXPLAIN table maintenance and clean-up
- 2012-10: Existence check SQL – Through the ages
- 2012-09: Db2 Catalog Statistics – revisited
- 2012-08: DSC Control – ZPARMs and Aggregation
- 2012-07: Spatial Indexes – Do you know where your customers live?
- 2012-06: SOUNDEX and other “cool” features – part three for Db2 10 –
- 2012-05: SOUNDEX and other “cool” features – part two for Db2 V9 –
- 2012-04: SOUNDEX and other “cool” features – part one for Db2 V8 –
- 2012-03: INCLUDE Index Usage with Examples to find Redundant Indexes
- 2012-02: HASH Index – What is it good for?
- 2012-01: Native SQL procedures
Newsletter 2011
- 2011-12: SEGUS Holiday present – Free Db2 HealthCheck Series
- 2011-11: Index Compression – Which ones are worth it?
- 2011-10: PLAN to PACKAGE Migration – Do you have any “bad guys”
- 2011-09: CRUD – How to find which program is doing what to which table
- 2011-08: Poor mans JCL generator – example use of a simple RUNSTATS JCL generator
- 2011-07: Recursive SQL – Examples (VIEW explode etc)
- 2011-06: Unused index analysis
- 2011-05: Virtual Indexes – General usage hints and tips
- 2011-04: RTS – data for DBA daily usage
- 2011-03: PBG – Recommended Usage and REORG Strategy
- 2011-02: XML Table Spaces – How they work and what you must take care of, or “LOBs the Next Generation”
- 2011-01: APARS for RTS, RUNSTATS, and SQL PERFORMANCE – Which and why?